#animtated emotes
cutestupid-emotes · 2 years
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Spirit Blossom Riven
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lil0fox · 1 year
Some commission I had done and a static image of my new animated emote. 🤭💕
You can check out my commission down below!
[Please do not trace or remake any of my art works]
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unecoccinellenoire · 1 year
OK since I'm hopefully posting a fic with Emilie later here's the Offical Fleurjaune take on the question of the woman by the pool:
I'm going to write fics both ways
I think it makes more sense for it to be Amélie in terms of what they're trying to do with Gabriel's character, if Marinette is supposed to have had an emotional victory even though she loses the war with Gabriel getting the Miraculous and making The Wish, given how the Wish seems to have worked plus the explanations of how it works in the episode, and in terms of the maternal relationship arc they've been developing with Adrien and Nathalie.
Marinette's story about Gabriel helping defeat Monarch rather than being him makes more sense/is an easier sell if she doesn't also have to explain Emilie's reappearance.
It was indisputably Emilie in the leaks.
Given the leaks were not final and the creators have reacted to fan responses in the past it's completely possible they changed it, whether or not due to fan responses to the leaks. Especially since the parts changed from the storyboards- cut scenes and words are things that could be done late in the process.
In fact the parts cut were deliberately those confirming Emilie- Adrien referring to his mother, and him sharing a moment with the woman by the pool hinting they did change their minds or at least wanted ambiguity.
The fact the writers have played on the ambiguity on Twitter means absolutely nothing. If they've kept something unclear until next season in the show they're not going to confirm it on Twitter to some random person asking and honestly I don't understand why people would ask and force a non-committal answer because they can't issue spoliers and then get angry at the writers for playing with you., they're not going to do anything else. Except maybe ignore the questions. Which feels like a better idea but these days there is an expectation of fan engagement. Twitter was a mistake.
The fact it was Emilie at one point undercuts all the narrative arguments for it being Amélie because even if the writers changed it because they couldn't make Emilie Revived work it does mean that until as late as the animtated storyboard they didn't see these as definitive reasons for it not to be Emilie.
In fact Gabriel dying for Nathalie only to fix the two-deaths-for-one issue (or alternatively, the One Murder is OK but not Two or Three issue in Gabriel's characterisation) still doesn't fix the issue that Gabriel is dying anyway so theoretically could only have given Nathalie the few hours of life he had left.
Honestly I feel there's a lot more Emilie-Pink in her colourscheme than Amélie-Black truthers are admitting, and Emilie did wear darker colours in the flashbacks something something losing colour with her life a la Nathalie's hair
Honestly I love seeing the pro-Amélie arguments because some of them are almost verbatim my complaints about the leaked storyboards so it's nice to see other's would share my issues with it if it does turn out to be Amélie.
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chizue-witchery · 11 months
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1. something different // (1/1) > 1,422 words
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairing/s: Slimecicle & JuanaFlippa
Character/s: Charlie Slimecicle, JuanaFlippa
Tags/Warnings: POV Charlie Slimecicle, Angst, Emotional Hurt No Comfort, Denial
Summary: Charlie looks at Juanaflippa, and she looks wrong wrong wrong different. He knows there is something different about her.
But Charlie has not seen his daughter in a very long time. And even though the Juanaflippa in front of him isn't the daughter that he knows and loves with all his heart, that does not stop him from calling out her name.
2. By Your Side Until the End (1/1) > 1,010 words
Rating: Teens and Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Major Character Death
Pairing: Jaiden Animations & Roier
Character/s: Jaiden Animations, Roier
Summary: Roier is holding her hands like she'll disappear from his grasp and she doesn't understand why.
She's right here.
AO3 // Read Here!
3. Wait And They'll Be Here // (1/1) > 1,080 words
Rating: Teens And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairing: Noah Brown | Foolish Gamers & Jaiden Animations & Tina | TinaKitten, Noah Brown | Foolish Gamers & Jaiden Animations, Jaiden Animations & Tina | TinaKitten
Characters: Jaiden Animations, Noah Brown | Foolish Gamers, Tina | TinaKitten
Prompt/s: Debris, Pinned Down
Summary: Pain.
That's the first thing that registers in Jaiden's mind as she slowly wakes up.
Pain, pain, pain.
Her mind is scattered as an intense amount of pain registers in her brain. Jaiden tries her best to get up but pain, pain, pain immediately registers so she stops trying to get up, letting herself lay back down on the ground.
AO3 // Read Here!
4. He's Still My Child (1/1) > 1,169 words
Rating: Teens and Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairing: Bobby & Jaiden Animations, Jaiden Animtions & Rafael Lange | Cellbit
Character/s: Jaiden Animations, Bobby, Rafael Lange | Cellbit, Binary Code Entity
Summary: Jaiden stares at the polaroids scattered on the table, sweat dripping off her the longer she stares at them.
It's several pictures of Bobby; her sweet child, who is standing beside her; who has been staring at those pictures for the past five minutes with an expression Jaiden has never seen on her son before.
AO3 // Read Here!
5. Another Night, Another Nightmare (1/1) > 801 words
Rating: Teens and Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairing: Bobby & Jaiden Animations
Character/s: Jaiden Animations, mentioned Bobby
Summary: Jaiden can't sleep. All she sees in her dreams is her child dying on the airship while she fell to the ground.
AO3 // Read Here!
6. the comfort in knowing you're here (with me) (1/1) > 2,732 words
Rating: Teens and Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairing: Noah Brown | Foolish Gamers & Jaiden Animations
Character/s: Jaiden Animations, Noah Brown | Foolish Gamers, mentioned Bolas Rojas Team, mentioned Leonarda
Summary: "What happened?" She asked as she lifted her hand to hover over the cracks on his shoulders and arms, his skin duller than she's ever seen.
Foolish laughs, waving it off like he always does when it's concerned about him, "Took you long enough to wake up."
Or, Jaiden finally wakes up after a short coma from exerting her body.
7. title // (1/1) > 1,500 words
Rating: Teens And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Major Character Death
Pairing: Bobby & Jaiden Animations & Roier, Bobby & Jaiden Animations, Jaiden Animations & Roier
Character/s: Jaiden Animations, mentioned Bobby, mentioned Roier
Tags/Warnings: Canonical Character Death, Child Loss, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt, Angst
Summary: "What am I supposed to do without you, Bobby?" she asked the child who isn't by her side anymore while tears rolled down her cheeks. "I've only ever had you and Roier…"
Or, Jaiden is left alone watching the sunset with no purpose in life after her son's death.
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Exaggeration - principle of animtion
In animation, exaggeration is used to add drama, movement and appeal to an action. Ironically, exaggeration allows animations to appear more realistic and convincing as often times the closer an animation mimics reality, the more it will appear lifeless and boring. Exaggeration adds accents to actions and emotions and make Shem look clearer. It can also create emphasis on important part of a story.
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71-o · 3 years
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I was requested from a discord server to make these!  PLEASE DO NOT USE WITHOUT CREDIT! 
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we-will-begin-again · 2 years
Ava - [ 🏛 ] does your muse have any strange interests? do they keep these interests to themselves, or are they comfortable sharing them with others? [ 🚓 ] has your muse ever been arrested? if so, what for? [ 📖 ] does your muse keep a diary or journal? what do they, or would they, write in a journal
send in a symbol i’ll answer the corresponding question about my muse!
[ 🏛 ] does your muse have any strange interests? do they keep these interests to themselves, or are they comfortable sharing them with others?
One strange interest, or at least strange by the standards of army people like her, Ava had before the turn was that she was a huge fan of Disney movies and animTed movies in general. She had enough emotions in her job and movies made for an adult audience tended to show things Ava saw enough of in the army. She's comfortable sharing this interest, mostly with the kids of the community because back when their group was nomadic, she'd just narrate some of the movies to them as stories, and they love it.
[ 🚓 ] has your muse ever been arrested? if so, what for?
Before the turn, never. After the turn, Ava was arrested by the New Frontier for alleged treason because Eleanor told Joan that she along with some others were planning to overthrow her. She almost got death penalty.
[ 📖 ] does your muse keep a diary or journal? what do they, or would they, write in a journal?
Ava keeps a journal. At first it was her sister's, Victoria would keep track of the days and stuff that happened back at the military checkpoint they were both stationed in in Washington, because she said some day history would be written about that situation and they were responsible for keeping track of the events; then after being bitten, Victoria wrote about the symptoms she experienced, and it became Ava's journal halfway through her sister's fall to the infection, when Victoria's pulse became too shaky for her to keep writing and instead she would tell Ava what to write. Ava kept the journal and kept writing after that, wanting to honor her sister by continuing to write her group's story.
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kazmadragonvr · 5 years
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Here’s some random images of the snatcher model. The model works in vrchat but isn’t humanoid. (I tried to make it humanoid but it just wasn’t working even when i put leg bones on it, unity was not happy with me) If you want the vrchat model you’ll need to friend my vrchat account and clone it from me. Currently it has a walking and idle animation. I will be adding more animtions for emotes etc but I want people the have access to it even if it’s not fully done. Only issues that I know of is that the view point is slightly to the side and the animation will sometimes cause you to see throught the model. (I’ve been trying to fix these issues but most of these are regular vrchat issues for non humaoid models)
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magicplanetanime · 6 years
radio the multiverse // “The Girl In Twilight” finds its footing
For a while now, Dandelion Animtion’s The Girl In Twilight, has, to put it lightly, sort of struggled to pull a coherent narrative through-line through its episodes. The show’s dimension-hopping has taken us to a socially backwards world where girls are forced to marry young, a wild west “might makes right” universe, and a tropical cyberpunk dystopia full of mind-controlling social media straight out of a particularly lukewarm episode of Black Mirror. But through it all, GIT has mostly sustained interest by dint of having cool fight scenes and occasionally by being so ridiculous it was more of a selling point than a flaw (I really cannot stress how utterly absurd the aforementioned dystopia island was). It did not, really, have a terribly-interesting story. GIT’s premise is interesting but until the second half of the most recent episode it had failed to translate into any kind of compelling drama.
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Episode 8 has changed all that, hopefully permanently. Interestingly much of the episode (about the entire first half, save a brief aside about Yuu’s family situation that will probably be relevant later) is basically filler, mostly concerning the core cast + Serious Elseworld Asuka palling around at a maid cafe. This is all well and fine, but the episode comes into its own during the second half. Asuka takes her otherworld fragment home, where she is caught, resulting in the two awkwardly meeting our Asuka’s family over a dinner. This is a fair bit funnier than most of the show’s comedy so far, but importantly, it has emotional payoff.
Our Asuka, the series’ nominal protagonist, has been low on depth so far. She’s a cheerful idiot in the vein of Little Witch Academia’s Akko or honestly any number of not-exactly-book smart anime protagonists over the years. Episode 8 scrapes a few layers of that personality off, and gives us a peek at what’s underneath. 
Until now the show has treated the idea of Asuka inheriting her father’s miso shop as a given--to the point that it’s kind of been a topic of humor--but the family dinner scene here casts doubt on that. Asuka’s father (a rather serious and over-stern man, in what’s becoming a recurring theme in this series) openly tells her that she’s not ready to do this, in front of her “friend”, elseworld Asuka. The Asukas bathe together, have a bit of a talk, and eventually fall asleep together (in what is probably not, but certainly looks like, the show attempting to pair the two up. There’s a moral quandry for you). Their conversation is worth talking about. Because elseworld Asuka contrasts herself with our Asuka, and draws some interesting comparisons, both with the characters themselves and the worlds they live in. Ultimately, all elseworld Asuka wants is for ours to “be free”, since in her world, no one really gets to plan their futures, being too focused on surviving the day to day realities. It’s an honestly pretty touching segment, for a show that’s only really touched on serious pathos a vanishingly small amount of times before.
And of course, the dream. While sleeping, they share a dream which brings back up a plot thread brought up waaay back in the second episode. Asuka’s dead younger brother, also dead in elseworld Asuka’s universe.
The dream (framed as pleasant) ends, and as the two talk in bed, elseworld Asuka’s Clutter Alarm rings in a loud, blaring tone. We learn that this means that something has happened to her home universe. It’s a sudden, honestly almost jarring, shift from gentle family-focused drama to the violent reality that Asuka’s world is under attack. Elseworld Asuka gets changed, and abruptly wishes her former self goodbye, the speech she gives making it very obvious that she’s pretty sure that whatever is happening back home, it’s going to kill her.
Normally, as far as the episodes’ length, this is where they cut to credits. But instead, we get an extended sequence where our core cast pursue elseworld Asuka--our Asuka having written down her universe’s frequency code on her hand while it was fresh in her mind--and we’re left with an incredibly ominous cliffhanger, the girls standing around the tree in the other world, and a slow-pan shot up to this;
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This is easily the most interesting GIT has ever been, and it’s going to be fascinating to see if it sticks the landing or not. Personally? I have faith in *The Girl In Twilight*, but only time will tell.
Finally, as a small but important footnote, is Asuka’s VA (Tomoyo Kurasawa) managing to somehow spend a good bulk of the episode convincingly playing off of herself. It’s genuinely impressive on a pure craftsmanship level.
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archymedius · 7 years
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Sym laughter animation. I've never considered seriously doing animation, but it helps me breakdown emotions and actions and see how they work.
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mi5016harrystubbs · 3 years
Reflective Essay
I went onto Screenskills.com to do some research on the job roles in the Animation industry and wanted to make notes on which ones I was interested in and which are more suiting for me. There are various stages of the animation industry that I am interested in as well as certain parts I am less sure about in term of knowing if they are right for me. I wanted to break down the ones that catch my attention and discuss weather they are right for me. I have an idea of what I want to do but fro  creating my Ikigai, I realised that what I want to do isn't neccessarily the career that is realistic or can be a source of income for some one starting out their journey.
Director - The Director is the job I eventually want to end up with as I want to pitch and create my own project. It is the job of the Director to guide the project along and make sure that everyone working on it, writters, animators, story board artists etc. are on the same page and everyone can pull through with the Directors vision in mind. Being a Director is a challenging role and not one that is necessarily entery level as it requires expertise and knowledge in most areas of the project. It is also a role that is best suited for people who can be assertive and feel comfortable directing people and getting their point across to many people at once. This is not a strong point of mine so it is something I might have to over come if I plan on taking this direction.
Writer – Being a writer is also something I am interested in doing as I am eager to create the story for a project. However I don't find it something I would be required to take on as a job role are the Writer works closely with the Director to assure the vision is on track. Sometimes the Director is also the script writter or sometimes a co writer. The script writer in animation has to be more detailed than live action and has to convey a lot of the emotions for how the character will act as there is no actor to figure this out them selves. This is an asspect I never really considered before but it is obvious in retrospect. I don't think I want want to persue writing as my sole focus but I am interested in it a lot as I don't only want to create my own projects but I want to write them as well. This is something I wont focus on exclusively but I am still very much passionate about this role.
Concept Artist – Concept artists must be good at drawing rough but high quality artwork that is used to help the animators, character designers and other creative members onboard with an idea. These ideas are often changed and altered with many versions to get the ideas on paper for the first time. This requires the artist to be able to work fast and understand the vision of the project that the director has in mind. This is something I thought I had an interest in but I feel like my talents and interests lie in different areas.
Head of Story – The head of story is a person that works closely with the Director, story board artists and writers. This job involves getting the directors story out into a more visual form and helps sequence shots from story boards and the script. This seems like an inbetween of Director and story board artist and although I think this role seems great, I would rather be a writter, director or storyboard artist.
Storyboard Artist – Storyboarding is something that I have had an interest in and is a part of the project I love doing and have volunteered to do it in the past in group projects. A story board artist has to be good at drawing in different styles and being asked to revise their work to help fit the flow of the story. They must also have a good idea of what the project is about and what is achivable to display based on the animation style and the narrative. Story board artists dont tend to be working on the finer details but must be able to efficiantly display the composition of each shot or frame so they animators have a clear understanding of how the more polished animation would look.
This is an entry level job and a carreer that I am interested in getting involved in. I am good at laying out interesting shots and have had a lot of experience drawing comics in my spare time. I was also inspired by the talk we had with a storyboard artist called Alex Davy who showed us some of her work and gave us an insight to some of her work and ways in which we could enter the industry. This made me more sure that is was something I was interested in persuing and I feel like it is a carreer I would be comfortabe in.
Character Design – I enjoy creating characters a lot but looking into what skills a character designer needs to be good with I don't think it is neccessarily for me as a specific role. Character designers have to create the character design from notes, scripts and other information about the project and do research on fashion and time periods to then put together a design. They designer has to be skilled in drawing and had to understand the characters involvment in the production well so they character will fit. The deisnger often has to be good at modelling in 2D and 3D which is the part that turns me away as 3D modeling is not something I enjoy or am particualy great at.
Animator – The animator has an obvious role of animating the project but this is a deiiferent method depending on what type of animation it is. Different skill sets are needed for hand drawn to stop motion and to 3D animation. The type of animation I am most interested in is 2D traditional animation which is most offten done on specialist software and drawn on a tablet in the modern age. This is something I always want to learn and get better at. My initial aim was to learn to animate in this way the best I can and become a 2D animator but as I have done more work and research into roles I feel like my true passion lies in other roles. I still want to learn these skills as learning to animate is important for a lot of jobs in the animtion industry but actually animating isn't the specific carreer I want to follow.
Conclusion - After looking into a lot of my options I feel like I have a clearer idea of where I want to be but am split between where I want to be and what feels more realistic of a goal in the imidiate future. My goal in life is to create a project of my own and being the creative influence behind it. Inspirations like Dave Filoni, Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko where all creators that made a series but took varying roles like director, writter, supervisor and other roles in between. This is the position I want to be in but that it a career that takes time to get to and isn't the sort of position that is easily come by as it is a competetive industry.
The Alex Davy talk really helped me realise how fun and interesting of a job story boarding can be and it is something I feel like I am already good at and am definitly doing a lot of. To get into this industry one important thing is to build up a portfolio of what you are capable of and prove your work is good enough. Building a website or putting your work on social media platforms is also a good way to get hired as it is giving emploeres a great way to see your work and what you are capable of.
She also talked about the Gesture Drawing with Alex Woo course she took which she claimed was something she did that made her start getting job offers a lot more often. This isn't a garunteed method of course but it is a course that I will potentially look into as it could help push me further into the industry.
Story boarding is also a job that will get me into the animation industry and could be used as a possible spring board to push my self higher and build up conections through networking to give my self more credibility. This could potentially help me reach my goal and if not, I would still be apart of the industry that I want to be apart of.
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byronlambofmp · 7 years
kubo and the two strings models
Young Kubo's (Art Parkinson) peaceful existence comes crashing down when he accidentally summons a vengeful spirit from the past. Now on the run, Kubo joins forces with Monkey (Charlize Theron) and Beetle (Matthew McConaughey) to unlock a secret legacy.
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Kubo is the latest stop-motion movie from animation studio Laika, maker of "Coraline", "ParaNorman" and "The Boxtrolls". Those three films were nominated for Oscars in the animated-film category. The film's director, Travis Knight, says stop-motion fans at Laika embraced the infernal machine"of computer-generated imagery, and why Kubo balances dark and light.
The movie takes viewers to ancient Japan to tell the story of Kubo, a young boy with magic storytelling powers that bring his origami creations to life. Aided by a motley band of friends, Kubo must face the sinister Moon King in a series of magical escapades.
In stop-motion, animators pose puppets and capture a still photo. They then move the puppet for the next photo. Playing back the resulting photos as frames of a film creates the illusion that the puppet is moving. For Kubo is made around 200 puppets. The wigs, which are all made by hand, are actually human hair that they comb through with silicone to give it durability, and then put in little wires and glue to make it animatable.
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Each character from Kumbo has hundreds of different faces that they change during production to allow the characters to portray there emotions and facial expressions. the cloths and body ares made from silicon to allow a smooth movement but steady to hold figure.
Kubo is full of strange, exotic characters and full of life allowing it to move the storie in favoure of kumbo and leaving me to wondering how they made the entire fill from stop-motion because most of the scenes look imposiible to create with models but the video bellow explains everything, but the production is somthing you should watch more than explain because its amazing just to see the progression, no other CGI, animtion film has the same effect like Kumbo and the two strings. 
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Pitch bible evaluation
after receiving the task brief, I started researching on pitch bibles and specifically ones for animation films and shows, I watched a video lecture titled “How to Create a Pitch Bible“by heather Kenyon, and looked at examples of pitch bibles for existing successful shows, I made a note of the things that were included in them, the length of the bible, style and content.
I was inspired by different genres of animation and film but I tend to lean to realistic stories and slice of life genres, therefore I looked at some animations to help me come up with an idea for a story. Films included, From Up on Poppy Hill (2011 film), Only Yesterday (1991 film) , Le chat du rabbin (2011), and other stories and art work. These films have many things in common, including the subtlety of the story, genre and type of characters, yet they all include a hint of adventure, and goal.
I started gathering images and artwork that inspired me, including photos of the place, the Casbah in Algiers, photos of people who live there, to help me illustrate characters that fit in the environment and represent reality. I made a mood board of these images which I thought could help me with putting all the film ideas together.
Coming up with a story idea was a difficult part but thankfully I had a few film ideas I jotted down previously so it wasn’t such a bad start. After establishing the kind of characters, story, and movie genre that appealed to me, I decided that I wanted my film to have a female lead character; I also wanted to include other strong female side characters that leave an impression. In terms of story, a warm story that transforms the protagonist into a better person by the end, is what I wanted to go for, also a warm and colourful setting, despite the struggles and tragedy in the story, I wanted it to leave a positive message and impression on the audience therefore The theme I wanted to go for is a family theme, a father and daughter relationship, a slice of life story.
In order to show the Casbah from the point of view of someone who is discovering it for the first time, I chose a character who moves to the Casbah for the summer, yet they are unhappy to be there. The story revolves around the young girl learning to love the Casbah and its people through living the childhood of her father whom she didn’t know properly. The camera plays an important role in the story as it is what sets the series of events in the story and what links Aya to her father. I think having an object associated with the film or story is important as it sets it apart from other stories or films and helps link the different events and parts of the story together.
The goal of the story was a difficult aspect of the writing process and It took the longest to develop; in fact I was tweaking it until the very last stages and was constantly changing. I chose the conflict to be a man vs self type of conflict, as in the character is fighting to achieve some sort of emotional cause rather than anything physical or an evil outside force interfering. The idea of her trying to connect with her fathers , his past and childhood seemed right and plays a big role in her character development from a moody and irresponsible young girl, to more open and confident about her identity.
 Character design
The characters I decided on for the film were, a young girl (Aya, 14), her grandma (Tata Jamila) , uncle, an old man (Aya’s dad’s childhood friend, Amou Bashir), and maybe another female character, side characters included father and mother, and children in the neighbourhood.
These characters went under a lot of development and changes, for example I intended on having a second female character, a young girl, but towards the end of the process, I decided not to include her as I felt she deserved to be a lead character for a different film. The character of the grandmother was there from the start, as I wanted the young lead character to have a close role model to look up to and ask for advice throughout the film. I also included some neighbourhood kids that are the same age as the lead character; this was to keep the innocent and playful hint to the film, as I didn’t want Aya to be the only child.
The next step was to start sketching out character designs and jotting down story ideas on the go, I found that good ideas came at random moments and not when I sat down and looked for them, therefore I wanted to be ready when I got a new idea. I used photos from my mood board and photographs of people and places in the Casbah to draw inspiration for character design, background design and even story idea, using the locations I saw in the photos. Most of these photos came from own my photography and from the following photography account https://www.flickr.com/groups/casbah_of_algiers/  
Deciding on the setting for the story was the easiest part, I have always wanted to write a film and set it in Algiers or Algeria in general, as I feel a connection to the place and think that it is very underrepresented in the media and films. The place fits the story theme and the atmosphere I was going for, as the Casbah is a very family and neighbours orientated place with deep history, I feel it contributes to that atmosphere. I wanted to use bright colours because I think it reflects the theme and style of the film, and for the message to be bubbly and radiate a warm family atmosphere
What would I improve on/change
If I were to do this project again or improve it, I would focus on improving Concept art, for example my painting skills, environment, background  and colour studies to achieve the look I was going for, or commission a real background artist for the job. I would have also spent a longer time on developing the story, as I think it can be improved in more than one way, because at times, I felt that it was a little unclear and didn’t seem to have a clear purpose.
That being said, this project taught me a lot and I helped me improve my story and character development skills in an intensive task that involved using many of the pre-production skills we learned previously and put them to the test.
I feel that the pitch presentation went well and that it flew nicely overall. Adding an animation that i made previously of the charcater of Aya picking up the camera in the enviornemnt was a good way to show the style of how the animtion, charcater design style and backgrounds would fit together.
I belive I covered all the important points about my film idea and explained them well. on the other hand I could have elaborated on the stories and adventure that happen in the middle of the film, how Aya interacts with the charcters, her relationship with each of them and how she changes throughout the film.
Overall I’m satisfied with the film pitch bible; even though I think there is a big room for improvement. Although I found it very hard to develop the story, I’m satisfied with the end result, and can see myself returning to it later for further development and maybe even production.
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congmmo · 5 years
Tree Frog: Lord Of the Flies
Synopsis A little tree frog is after love, but mother nature designed him to be awkward in every way. This fast paced cartoon done with much eye for detail, refers with its 2D-ish cartoony movement to the good old times of animation, yet in a fresh and original mix.
Project Overview This film is not a remake of William Golding’s dystopian novel. It is something far more lighthearted as the title might suggest. I created this comic short about a little frog who is after love, to show my ambition as a 3d artist and character animator. While researching entertainment through movement in character animation, the emphasis of my animation came to be in the movement. In a production it is tempting to copy classic devices of cartoon movement without thinking about it, because there is simply no time, especially in small productions where visual design and soryboard seem to be most important. Therefore in my research, I analyzed different styles of movement from the Golden Age of American Animation, in order to better understand the classical approach to cartoon animation. Next to that I researched acting theory for animation and I conducted interviews with character animators. The best way to entertain through character, seems to be generating empathy for the character. This is what both Disney’s treatment of story and Stanislavski’s method acting boil down to. The more the animator is able to engage the audience in how a character feels, the more entertaining the short will become. Character animation at it’s best, relies on stories with big emotional transitions. In the execution of these transitions, for instance from happy to sad, the animator can show original acting. Disney’s animators developed subtle acting where many times it’s best to not exaggerate the movement to much. In some memorable emotional scenes the accent of the movement is completely carried by what is called secondary action, such as subtle movements of the hands and facial expressions that coincide with the main movement of the body. This is in sharp contrast with the heavily exagerated character movement of Warner Brother’s Looney Toons. Here exagerated comic timing and comic escalation where developed, together with the extreme deformations of characters for comic effect invented by Tex Avery. Graphical representation, metamorphosis and defying the physical rules of our universe for purposes of entertainment, were brought back from the beginning times of animation. In the movement style of Avery and Jones, the audience becomes again aware of the artificiality of the medium. For example by temporarily upholding the rules of gravity and disintegrating the body, for comic effect and to display emotion. This knowledge about entertainment in classical cartoon movement I used in my film in a number of ways. I added contrast and gave each character a distinct way of moving. Trough movement, the impulsive, hyperactive male frog should look as different as possible from the lazy, uninterested female. In the end of the short, right before the kiss, I gave the female some time to think, so we more get the feeling that she is a living human being who makes concious choices. The stretchy eyes and mouth of the frog refer to Avery’s exageration, and were a challenge to rig and emulate in 3d animtion software. Overall, using CGI I wanted to bring a fresh and original take on recognizable and familiar cartoon principles. Likes: 40 Viewed:
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marcuskhai-blog · 6 years
Reflection Post
There are 12 basic principles of animations that heavily affect the outcome of any animations created. This includes squash and stretch, anticipation, staging, straight ahead and pose to pose, follow through, slow in and out, arcs, secondary actions, timing, exaggeration, solid drawing, and appeal. Throughout the semester, most these basic principles were used to created multiple animations which will be disscused during this reflection.
Firstly the squash and stretch principle was used throughout the first couple ball boucnign animations shown in this blog. This principle talks about how an object or shape deforms to signify the state of the animation. This principle heavily affects bouncing balls beacuse of the nature of how balls deform when they bounce. Using this principle, the type of ball, weight of the ball, speed of the ball, and much more can be conveyed within an animation. This is evident in the 3 types of balls falling post earlier this semester. 
Next there is the anticipation principle. This principle helps smooth out an object's or person's movement in an animation. For example, in cartoon animations, when a character is about to run, they usually drag they arms and legs back before sprinting ahead. This part of animation helps the audience anticipate the characters movement and helps them follow along.
Staging is another principle that is used throughout animation. The idea of this principle is to create a scene where the audience is able to follow the actions and environments of the animation as intended by the animator. This is done so that there aren't too many things happening within the scene as to distract the audience from the main action or purpose of the scene.
Straight ahead and pose to pose principle talks about the basic idea of how the animation is drawn or animated. Straight ahead animation is done where the each frame is animated one after the other, whereas pose to pose animation animates using key poses throughout the animation and then going back and filling in the gaps between the key poses. This principle was used in the character jumping animation. The blocking pass shows each of the key poses throughout the jumping animtion.
The follow through principle mostly affects the animation after major actions compared to anticipation was is before. Given that each moving object has momentum, realistic animation should also consider momentum in each action. With this in mind, follow through principle talks about the after movement or animation of, let's say a person, after they stop. The body should drag on a bit after, and if the person is wearing anything, the object should not stop at the same time. This gives the animation more realistic feel compared to a robotic outcome if done without it. The character jumping animation shows this principle in action.
Slow in and slow out principle is another principle that showcases momentum in animations. Objects or people in animations shouldn't be moving at a constant rate. They should build up momentum and increase in speed. This also applys to stopping, hence the name, slow in and slow out. Arcs principle determines the movement of an object or person. If a person is moving their hands and feet, they should be moving in an arc so that the movement doesn't look mechanical. This is because natural movement often follows arcs defined by joints, gravity, etc. WIthout it, the movement would look unrealistic and fake.
The Secondary animation principle is usuallly used to support main actions done by a character. It helps convey emotions and/or environment that that character is in. This could be in the form of facial expressions, additional smaller movements and much more.
Timing is a principle that affects how the animation is done. It refers to the number of frames that animation has. This could convey the speed of an action or how smooth the animation's end result is. Exaggeration principle simply highlights actions that a character has taken. This animation is not usually realistic but it helps audience understand what is happening in the animation.
Solid drawing is usually used in 3d drawing animations to help improve line work for the animations. It could help give a sense of realism in a 3D environment or give an object more form. Appeal talks about characteristics of characters in animations to help differiaciate characters between each other. This includes highlighting unique parts of each characters like large heads or skinny figure, etc.
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